
Fauna Fruit Pins and Bags

Created by AsherBee | Ashley S. Benson

The Animal Fruit With Lots of Cute! Hard Enamel Pins, Ita Bags, Stickers, and More!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Round 2: Help Us Pick the Next 4!
2 months ago – Sun, Jan 12, 2025 at 08:45:42 PM


Help us pick the next round of pins by voting for your favorite! Let us know by clicking on the link below to access the new poll. 

Also thank you so much if you've already signed up early for the Fauna Fruit Pins and Bags Pintopia Campaign, and if you haven't yet, remember that signing up early and pledging early will unlock more freebies for you.

Holly (Kimchi Kawaii) and I really put a lot of love into these two collab pins, so hitting our initial goals will be key to unlocking these cuties. 

We have 10 days left before the launch, and we're both working on making our finishing touches to our projects. If any of you are not familiar with Pintopia, At least two artists/pin designers will partner up to help promote the event.  We are separate projects BUT still connected through these two pins below!  As a backer, you can help us to unlock these pins. Help us to reach our goals by backing BOTH campaigns, and IF we both meet our initial goals, these cute foodie dragons will be added to your orders! Do you know anyone who loves Dragons or Food, let them know about the freebies!

Stay Sparkly

Ita Bag Share Time!
2 months ago – Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 05:27:32 PM


I didn't realize that we'd have so many poll responses already! There are over 100 responses, and 7 days left to chime in!  Hopefully your favorite is doing well! Looks like Rapple Rat is hanging on to the lead, with Blue Owlerry Owl fighting neck and neck with Lilly Pillox Fox! But don't count Orangster Hamster and Tamacoon Raccoon out just yet...  I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to make a racoon with a knife angry...but that's just me. It's anyone's guess what the order will be at the end of the week!

Now for what I promised! If we manage to unlock the Strawberry Pink Tiger, and more of the pins, I'd love to add Bearded Dragonfruit as the next Ita Bag. Which one are you looking forward to unlocking? 


Help Me Pick the Pin Order!
2 months ago – Sat, Jan 04, 2025 at 10:10:48 PM

Hi!! We're gearing up for launch day and I thought it would be great to make this more interactive! After the initial goals are met, what's next?
The first stretch goal will be unlocking the Strawberry Milkshake Tiger Ita Bag! It will come with two dual colored pin inserts! But I'd love to poll the next 6 pins! Help us decide the order!
If we get 100 participants in the poll, I'll show you the second Ita Bag that I've been working on!